Frequent Asked Questions

Atria is a crowd equity and financial services platform with a focus on real estate.

We are a team made of borderless people, a mixture of cultures, passionate travelers and tech enthusiasts with experience in major consulting firms, multinational companies and small business.

Atria is based upon a fractional RE ownership model of investment (securitization and leaseholds) for a growing public (flexible living as focus market, tourism as extended market). 

Here’s how to get started and make the most of our platform:

  1. Sign Up: Register and verify your account to gain access.
  2. Navigate the Dashboard: Use the dashboard to explore investment opportunities, track your investments, and manage your portfolio.
  3. Invest: Select the type of investment (leasehold or fractional ownership), choose the property, and make your investment.
  4. Monitor and Manage: Regularly check your dashboard for updates on your investments’ performance and make decisions based on real-time data.

Fractional Ownership (F.O. Method) via securitization and leaseholds.

Leasehold: You can invest in a property for a set period through a lease, ideal for those not seeking permanent ownership.

Fractional Ownership: This allows you to buy shares in a property, making it easier to invest in real estate at a lower entry point.

Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV): Investments are held in SPVs, isolating them from other investments and enhancing security and risk management.


Fractional leasehold allows you to invest in a portion of a property’s lease, offering a more accessible entry point into real estate investment and the flexibility to trade your stake in a dynamic marketplace.

To begin, sign up for an account by providing necessary details. Once registered, explore available investment options and choose a suitable strategy.

We prioritize the security of your data. Our platform employs robust encryption and follows industry best practices to safeguard your personal and financial information.

Securitization: By securitizing real estate, we transform it into negotiable financial instruments, making it accessible and liquid.

SEC Compliance: We strictly adhere to SEC regulations to ensure all transactions and operations are transparent and secure. This includes using approved custodians and brokers to handle our transactions.

lexible living provides digital nomads, full-hybrid, and remote workers with the opportunity to combine relocation/stays, work and lifestyle preferences, allowing them to embrace a more flexible, dynamic, and fulfilling way of living and working.

Pods are innovative living units designed to cater to the growing demand for flexible and transient lifestyles:

Design and Functionality: Each Pod is a compact, fully equipped living space ideal for short stays or mobile lifestyles.

Investment Opportunity: Pods provide high occupancy rates and are managed through Atria, offering hassle-free ownership and potential for high returns.

Locations: Strategically placed in cultural hubs and high-demand areas to ensure continuous usage and profitability.

Atria utilizes market track records, AI projections, and the expertise of our team to forecast the return on investment for each project.

Returns on investments are subject to market fluctuations. The platform provides real-time updates on your portfolio’s performance, and returns are calculated based on market conditions.

Yes, there might be fees associated with certain transactions or services. Check our fee schedule for details on charges related to trades, withdrawals, or account management.

Yes. All our offerings adhere to SEC regulations, and the funds and transactions are securely managed through vetted third-party custodians and brokers that have received approval from the SEC/FINRA.

The minimum investment amount starts at $1,000.00. Details can be found on the platform, and you can start with an amount that suits your budget.

Our primary marketplace enables initial investments directly in fractional leaseholds, while the secondary marketplace offers the liquidity to buy and sell existing fractional stakes, ensuring continuous opportunity and flexibility.

Our customer support team is available via email, live chat, or phone. Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns, and we’ll be happy to assist you.

A digital asset is anything that is stored digitally and is uniquely identifiable that organizations can use to realize value, in Atria’s case DLT securities. Switzerland is one of the leading locations in the area of distributed ledger technology (DLT) and blockchain. Especially in the financial sector, a growing fintech and blockchain ecosystem has developed in Switzerland. For Switzerland as a business location, it is crucial for the legal framework to enable innovation and for new technologies to be able to thrive. At the same time, Switzerland’s integrity and good reputation as a business location must continue to be guaranteed in this area too.

The DLT Act defines a ledger-based security as a right that is entered in a securities ledger under a registration agreement. Such securities can only be exercised and transferred via a particular securities ledger.

Atria securities are based upon polygon blockchain, created to empower and to be utilized within Atria’s international, accessible  and borderless property investing project. 

We utilize the ultimate generation blockchain technology dedicated to make investments accessible, transactions faster, operation costs lower, ownership transparent and legal.

No. We know that investors appreciate security, especially property investors. When investing with Atria you are not dealing with crypto, we are a technology based company that uses blockchain solutions to make investments accessible, transactions faster, fees cheaper and transparency higher. We operate with conventional  FIATs, such as USD and EUR. If you are a crypto enthusiast you can choose to operate with secure and value reliable stablecoins (USDC) attached to your Real Estate. You have the freedom to choose how to operate, and how to grow your passive income and flexible life capacity. At all times your investment(s) will be anchored by real assets regulated by FINMA.

Our real estate fractions work just like any other shares. They’re purchased using FIATs (credit cards & bank transfers), or if you are a crypto enthusiast, stablecoins (USDC), held in a digital wallet.

We issue our digital assets (fractions) with the latest technology to represent real assets into the blockchain.

At Atria we use the FO  tokenization method. Fractional ownership or FO tokenization offers a simple approach to the representation of real estate as digital assets.  You can think of fractional ownership tokenization as a crowdfunding platform, which helps investors in buying shares. The fractional owners have a specific number of tokens representing their share in the asset. Profits are paid like any other kind of share-based investment.

As with all blockchain operations (and its assets), you have an accessible, transparent and secure method to perform transactions, and the right to severability, meaning you can sell those assets anytime you like. *This will happen at our platform when we launch our secondary market.

A blockchain is a distributed database that is shared among the nodes of a computer network. As a database, a blockchain stores information electronically in digital format. Blockchains are best known for their crucial role in cryptocurrency systems, such as Bitcoin, for maintaining a secure and decentralized record of transactions. The innovation with a blockchain is that it guarantees the fidelity and security of a record of data and generates trust without the need for a trusted third party.

Atria uses a mesh blockchain (AFS) approved by FINMA (Atria phase 1). Polygon MATIC (Atria phase 2) is a scalability platform that enables Ethereum-supported blockchains to communicate with one another. It is also used to create new Ethereum blockchains for businesses and institutions needing decentralized payment solutions. The network refers to itself as “Ethereum’s internet of blockchains” because one of its primary missions is to support a multichain Ethereum ecosystem.

Polygon is one of the top-performing crypto assets in terms of the trading volume and security.

Polygon, formerly known as the Matic network, was founded in India in October 2017 by Jaynti Kanani, Sandeep Nailwal, and Anurag Arjun.

Polygon MATIC is a scalability platform that enables Ethereum-supported blockchains to communicate with one another. It is also used to create new Ethereum blockchains for businesses and institutions needing decentralized payment solutions. The network refers to itself as “Ethereum’s internet of blockchains” because one of its primary missions is to support a multichain Ethereum ecosystem.

Polygon is one of the top-performing crypto assets in terms of the trading volume and security.

Polygon, formerly known as the Matic network, was founded in India in October 2017 by Jaynti Kanani, Sandeep Nailwal, and Anurag Arjun.

Fractional ownership or FO tokenization offers a simple approach to the representation of real estate as digital assets shares.  You can think of fractional ownership tokenization as a crowdfunding platform, which helps investors in buying shares. The fractional owners have a specific number of tokens representing their share in the asset. Profits are paid like any other kind of share-based investment.

Smart contracts are simply programs stored on a blockchain that run when predetermined conditions are met. They typically are used to automate the execution of an agreement so that all participants can be immediately certain of the outcome, without any intermediary’s involvement or time loss. They can also automate a workflow, triggering the next action when conditions are met.

Atria’s smart contract is based at Blockstairs technology, ensuring a reliable and fast operation to secure and store the asset (real-estate) ownership by every Atrian. 

Yes, if you have a stablecoin in your wallet and withdraw when that specific coin is facing instability (loss of parity) you would receive less than its proposed parity value. But Atria is a FIAT first platform, so if you are not a crypto enthusiast you can operate 100% with FIATs (USD or EUR).

Smart contracts are simply programs stored on a blockchain that run when predetermined conditions are met. They typically are used to automate the execution of an agreement so that all participants can be immediately certain of the outcome, without any intermediary’s involvement or time loss. They can also automate a workflow, triggering the next action when conditions are met.

Atria’s smart contract is based on Blockstairs technology, ensuring a reliable and fast operation to secure and store the asset (real-estate) ownership by every Atrian.

Yes. We operate under a securities license within the Swiss Financial System, being regulated and audited by FINMA and independent compliance companies.

A digital asset is anything that is stored digitally and is uniquely identifiable that organizations can use to realize value, in Atria’s case DLT securities. Switzerland is one of the leading locations in the area of distributed ledger technology (DLT) and blockchain. Especially in the financial sector, a growing fintech and blockchain ecosystem has developed in Switzerland. For Switzerland as a business location, it is crucial for the legal framework to enable innovation and for new technologies to be able to thrive. At the same time, Switzerland’s integrity and good reputation as a business location must continue to be guaranteed in this area too.

The DLT Act defines a ledger-based security as a right that is entered in a securities ledger under a registration agreement. Such securities can only be exercised and transferred via a particular securities ledger.

Atria securities are based upon polygon blockchain, created to empower and to be utilized within Atria’s international, accessible  and borderless property investing project. 

We utilize the ultimate generation blockchain technology dedicated to make investments accessible, transactions faster, operation costs lower, ownership transparent and legal.

No. We know that investors appreciate security, especially property investors. When investing with Atria you are not dealing with crypto, we are a technology based company that uses blockchain solutions to make investments accessible, transactions faster, fees cheaper and transparency higher. We operate with conventional  FIATs, such as USD and EUR. If you are a crypto enthusiast you can choose to operate with secure and value reliable stablecoins (USDC) attached to your Real Estate. You have the freedom to choose how to operate, and how to grow your passive income and flexible life capacity. At all times your investment(s) will be anchored by real assets regulated by FINMA.

Our real estate fractions work just like any other shares. They’re purchased using FIATs (credit cards & bank transfers), or if you are a crypto enthusiast, stablecoins (USDC), held in a digital wallet.

We issue our digital assets (fractions) with the latest technology to represent real assets into the blockchain.

At Atria we use the FO  tokenization method. Fractional ownership or FO tokenization offers a simple approach to the representation of real estate as digital assets.  You can think of fractional ownership tokenization as a crowdfunding platform, which helps investors in buying shares. The fractional owners have a specific number of tokens representing their share in the asset. Profits are paid like any other kind of share-based investment.

As with all blockchain operations (and its assets), you have an accessible, transparent and secure method to perform transactions, and the right to severability, meaning you can sell those assets anytime you like. *This will happen at our platform when we launch our secondary market.

A blockchain is a distributed database that is shared among the nodes of a computer network. As a database, a blockchain stores information electronically in digital format. Blockchains are best known for their crucial role in cryptocurrency systems, such as Bitcoin, for maintaining a secure and decentralized record of transactions. The innovation with a blockchain is that it guarantees the fidelity and security of a record of data and generates trust without the need for a trusted third party.

Atria uses a mesh blockchain (AFS) approved by FINMA (Atria phase 1). Polygon MATIC (Atria phase 2) is a scalability platform that enables Ethereum-supported blockchains to communicate with one another. It is also used to create new Ethereum blockchains for businesses and institutions needing decentralized payment solutions. The network refers to itself as “Ethereum’s internet of blockchains” because one of its primary missions is to support a multichain Ethereum ecosystem.

Polygon is one of the top-performing crypto assets in terms of the trading volume and security.

Polygon, formerly known as the Matic network, was founded in India in October 2017 by Jaynti Kanani, Sandeep Nailwal, and Anurag Arjun.

Polygon MATIC is a scalability platform that enables Ethereum-supported blockchains to communicate with one another. It is also used to create new Ethereum blockchains for businesses and institutions needing decentralized payment solutions. The network refers to itself as “Ethereum’s internet of blockchains” because one of its primary missions is to support a multichain Ethereum ecosystem.

Polygon is one of the top-performing crypto assets in terms of the trading volume and security.

Polygon, formerly known as the Matic network, was founded in India in October 2017 by Jaynti Kanani, Sandeep Nailwal, and Anurag Arjun.

Fractional ownership or FO tokenization offers a simple approach to the representation of real estate as digital assets shares.  You can think of fractional ownership tokenization as a crowdfunding platform, which helps investors in buying shares. The fractional owners have a specific number of tokens representing their share in the asset. Profits are paid like any other kind of share-based investment.

Smart contracts are simply programs stored on a blockchain that run when predetermined conditions are met. They typically are used to automate the execution of an agreement so that all participants can be immediately certain of the outcome, without any intermediary’s involvement or time loss. They can also automate a workflow, triggering the next action when conditions are met.

Atria’s smart contract is based at Blockstairs technology, ensuring a reliable and fast operation to secure and store the asset (real-estate) ownership by every Atrian. 

Crypto volatility exists for every token you can think of, from Bitcoin to Shiba Inu. Just as they can experience euphoric rises, cryptocurrencies can also see their price plunge overnight.

To combat these price swings, stablecoins have emerged as a reliable way for investors to remain in the crypto ecosystem at much lower risk. Pegged to a real-world asset—usually a fiat currency— stablecoins offer resistance against the fluctuations to which other coins are susceptible.

Yes, but is minimal. At Atria we use USD Coin (USDC), which is a digital currency that is fully backed by U.S. dollar assets. USDC is a tokenized U.S. dollar, with the value of one USDC coin pegged 1:1 to the value of one U.S. dollar. The value of USDC is designed to remain stable, making USDC a stablecoin. USDC is the second largest stablecoin currently in operation, and the first regarding anchoring, security and transparency.

Yes, if you have a stablecoin in your wallet and withdraw when that specific coin is facing instability (loss of parity) you would receive less than its proposed parity value. But Atria is a FIAT first platform, so if you are not a crypto enthusiast you can operate 100% with FIATs (USD or EUR).

Once adopted. Markets in Crypto-assets (MiCA) Regulation, will provide a sound legal framework for DLT markets to develop within the EU by clearly defining the regulatory treatment of crypto-assets that are not covered by existing financial services legislation.

No. Because Atria is legally registered in Switzerland (CH), which doesn’t follow EU regulations but its own.

Smart contracts are simply programs stored on a blockchain that run when predetermined conditions are met. They typically are used to automate the execution of an agreement so that all participants can be immediately certain of the outcome, without any intermediary’s involvement or time loss. They can also automate a workflow, triggering the next action when conditions are met.

Atria’s smart contract is based on Blockstairs technology, ensuring a reliable and fast operation to secure and store the asset (real-estate) ownership by every Atrian.

Yes. We operate under a securities license within the Swiss Financial System, being regulated and audited by FINMA and independent compliance companies.


A digital asset is anything that is stored digitally and is uniquely identifiable that organizations can use to realize value, in Atria’s case DLT securities. Switzerland is one of the leading locations in the area of distributed ledger technology (DLT) and blockchain. Especially in the financial sector, a growing fintech and blockchain ecosystem has developed in Switzerland. For Switzerland as a business location, it is crucial for the legal framework to enable innovation and for new technologies to be able to thrive. At the same time, Switzerland’s integrity and good reputation as a business location must continue to be guaranteed in this area too.

The DLT Act defines a ledger-based security as a right that is entered in a securities ledger under a registration agreement. Such securities can only be exercised and transferred via a particular securities ledger.

Atria securities are based upon polygon blockchain, created to empower and to be utilized within Atria’s international, accessible  and borderless property investing project. 

We utilize the ultimate generation blockchain technology dedicated to make investments accessible, transactions faster, operation costs lower, ownership transparent and legal.

No. We know that investors appreciate security, especially property investors. When investing with Atria you are not dealing with crypto, we are a technology based company that uses blockchain solutions to make investments accessible, transactions faster, fees cheaper and transparency higher. We operate with conventional  FIATs, such as USD and EUR. If you are a crypto enthusiast you can choose to operate with secure and value reliable stablecoins (USDC) attached to your Real Estate. You have the freedom to choose how to operate, and how to grow your passive income and flexible life capacity. At all times your investment(s) will be anchored by real assets regulated by FINMA.

Our real estate fractions work just like any other shares. They’re purchased using FIATs (credit cards & bank transfers), or if you are a crypto enthusiast, stablecoins (USDC), held in a digital wallet.

We issue our digital assets (fractions) with the latest technology to represent real assets into the blockchain.

At Atria we use the FO  tokenization method. Fractional ownership or FO tokenization offers a simple approach to the representation of real estate as digital assets.  You can think of fractional ownership tokenization as a crowdfunding platform, which helps investors in buying shares. The fractional owners have a specific number of tokens representing their share in the asset. Profits are paid like any other kind of share-based investment.

As with all blockchain operations (and its assets), you have an accessible, transparent and secure method to perform transactions, and the right to severability, meaning you can sell those assets anytime you like. *This will happen at our platform when we launch our secondary market.

A blockchain is a distributed database that is shared among the nodes of a computer network. As a database, a blockchain stores information electronically in digital format. Blockchains are best known for their crucial role in cryptocurrency systems, such as Bitcoin, for maintaining a secure and decentralized record of transactions. The innovation with a blockchain is that it guarantees the fidelity and security of a record of data and generates trust without the need for a trusted third party.

Atria uses a mesh blockchain (AFS) approved by FINMA (Atria phase 1). Polygon MATIC (Atria phase 2) is a scalability platform that enables Ethereum-supported blockchains to communicate with one another. It is also used to create new Ethereum blockchains for businesses and institutions needing decentralized payment solutions. The network refers to itself as “Ethereum’s internet of blockchains” because one of its primary missions is to support a multichain Ethereum ecosystem.

Polygon is one of the top-performing crypto assets in terms of the trading volume and security.

Polygon, formerly known as the Matic network, was founded in India in October 2017 by Jaynti Kanani, Sandeep Nailwal, and Anurag Arjun.

Polygon MATIC is a scalability platform that enables Ethereum-supported blockchains to communicate with one another. It is also used to create new Ethereum blockchains for businesses and institutions needing decentralized payment solutions. The network refers to itself as “Ethereum’s internet of blockchains” because one of its primary missions is to support a multichain Ethereum ecosystem.

Polygon is one of the top-performing crypto assets in terms of the trading volume and security.

Polygon, formerly known as the Matic network, was founded in India in October 2017 by Jaynti Kanani, Sandeep Nailwal, and Anurag Arjun.

Fractional ownership or FO tokenization offers a simple approach to the representation of real estate as digital assets shares.  You can think of fractional ownership tokenization as a crowdfunding platform, which helps investors in buying shares. The fractional owners have a specific number of tokens representing their share in the asset. Profits are paid like any other kind of share-based investment.

Smart contracts are simply programs stored on a blockchain that run when predetermined conditions are met. They typically are used to automate the execution of an agreement so that all participants can be immediately certain of the outcome, without any intermediary’s involvement or time loss. They can also automate a workflow, triggering the next action when conditions are met.

Atria’s smart contract is based at Blockstairs technology, ensuring a reliable and fast operation to secure and store the asset (real-estate) ownership by every Atrian. 

Yes, if you have a stablecoin in your wallet and withdraw when that specific coin is facing instability (loss of parity) you would receive less than its proposed parity value. But Atria is a FIAT first platform, so if you are not a crypto enthusiast you can operate 100% with FIATs (USD or EUR).

Smart contracts are simply programs stored on a blockchain that run when predetermined conditions are met. They typically are used to automate the execution of an agreement so that all participants can be immediately certain of the outcome, without any intermediary’s involvement or time loss. They can also automate a workflow, triggering the next action when conditions are met.

Atria’s smart contract is based on Blockstairs technology, ensuring a reliable and fast operation to secure and store the asset (real-estate) ownership by every Atrian.

Yes. We operate under a securities license within the Swiss Financial System, being regulated and audited by FINMA and independent compliance companies.

A digital asset is anything that is stored digitally and is uniquely identifiable that organizations can use to realize value, in Atria’s case DLT securities. Switzerland is one of the leading locations in the area of distributed ledger technology (DLT) and blockchain. Especially in the financial sector, a growing fintech and blockchain ecosystem has developed in Switzerland. For Switzerland as a business location, it is crucial for the legal framework to enable innovation and for new technologies to be able to thrive. At the same time, Switzerland’s integrity and good reputation as a business location must continue to be guaranteed in this area too.

The DLT Act defines a ledger-based security as a right that is entered in a securities ledger under a registration agreement. Such securities can only be exercised and transferred via a particular securities ledger.

Atria securities are based upon polygon blockchain, created to empower and to be utilized within Atria’s international, accessible  and borderless property investing project. 

We utilize the ultimate generation blockchain technology dedicated to make investments accessible, transactions faster, operation costs lower, ownership transparent and legal.

No. We know that investors appreciate security, especially property investors. When investing with Atria you are not dealing with crypto, we are a technology based company that uses blockchain solutions to make investments accessible, transactions faster, fees cheaper and transparency higher. We operate with conventional  FIATs, such as USD and EUR. If you are a crypto enthusiast you can choose to operate with secure and value reliable stablecoins (USDC) attached to your Real Estate. You have the freedom to choose how to operate, and how to grow your passive income and flexible life capacity. At all times your investment(s) will be anchored by real assets regulated by FINMA.

Our real estate fractions work just like any other shares. They’re purchased using FIATs (credit cards & bank transfers), or if you are a crypto enthusiast, stablecoins (USDC), held in a digital wallet.

We issue our digital assets (fractions) with the latest technology to represent real assets into the blockchain.

At Atria we use the FO  tokenization method. Fractional ownership or FO tokenization offers a simple approach to the representation of real estate as digital assets.  You can think of fractional ownership tokenization as a crowdfunding platform, which helps investors in buying shares. The fractional owners have a specific number of tokens representing their share in the asset. Profits are paid like any other kind of share-based investment.

As with all blockchain operations (and its assets), you have an accessible, transparent and secure method to perform transactions, and the right to severability, meaning you can sell those assets anytime you like. *This will happen at our platform when we launch our secondary market.

A blockchain is a distributed database that is shared among the nodes of a computer network. As a database, a blockchain stores information electronically in digital format. Blockchains are best known for their crucial role in cryptocurrency systems, such as Bitcoin, for maintaining a secure and decentralized record of transactions. The innovation with a blockchain is that it guarantees the fidelity and security of a record of data and generates trust without the need for a trusted third party.

Atria uses a mesh blockchain (AFS) approved by FINMA (Atria phase 1). Polygon MATIC (Atria phase 2) is a scalability platform that enables Ethereum-supported blockchains to communicate with one another. It is also used to create new Ethereum blockchains for businesses and institutions needing decentralized payment solutions. The network refers to itself as “Ethereum’s internet of blockchains” because one of its primary missions is to support a multichain Ethereum ecosystem.

Polygon is one of the top-performing crypto assets in terms of the trading volume and security.

Polygon, formerly known as the Matic network, was founded in India in October 2017 by Jaynti Kanani, Sandeep Nailwal, and Anurag Arjun.

Polygon MATIC is a scalability platform that enables Ethereum-supported blockchains to communicate with one another. It is also used to create new Ethereum blockchains for businesses and institutions needing decentralized payment solutions. The network refers to itself as “Ethereum’s internet of blockchains” because one of its primary missions is to support a multichain Ethereum ecosystem.

Polygon is one of the top-performing crypto assets in terms of the trading volume and security.

Polygon, formerly known as the Matic network, was founded in India in October 2017 by Jaynti Kanani, Sandeep Nailwal, and Anurag Arjun.

Fractional ownership or FO tokenization offers a simple approach to the representation of real estate as digital assets shares.  You can think of fractional ownership tokenization as a crowdfunding platform, which helps investors in buying shares. The fractional owners have a specific number of tokens representing their share in the asset. Profits are paid like any other kind of share-based investment.

Smart contracts are simply programs stored on a blockchain that run when predetermined conditions are met. They typically are used to automate the execution of an agreement so that all participants can be immediately certain of the outcome, without any intermediary’s involvement or time loss. They can also automate a workflow, triggering the next action when conditions are met.

Atria’s smart contract is based at Blockstairs technology, ensuring a reliable and fast operation to secure and store the asset (real-estate) ownership by every Atrian. 

Crypto volatility exists for every token you can think of, from Bitcoin to Shiba Inu. Just as they can experience euphoric rises, cryptocurrencies can also see their price plunge overnight.

To combat these price swings, stablecoins have emerged as a reliable way for investors to remain in the crypto ecosystem at much lower risk. Pegged to a real-world asset—usually a fiat currency— stablecoins offer resistance against the fluctuations to which other coins are susceptible.

Yes, but is minimal. At Atria we use USD Coin (USDC), which is a digital currency that is fully backed by U.S. dollar assets. USDC is a tokenized U.S. dollar, with the value of one USDC coin pegged 1:1 to the value of one U.S. dollar. The value of USDC is designed to remain stable, making USDC a stablecoin. USDC is the second largest stablecoin currently in operation, and the first regarding anchoring, security and transparency.

Yes, if you have a stablecoin in your wallet and withdraw when that specific coin is facing instability (loss of parity) you would receive less than its proposed parity value. But Atria is a FIAT first platform, so if you are not a crypto enthusiast you can operate 100% with FIATs (USD or EUR).

Once adopted. Markets in Crypto-assets (MiCA) Regulation, will provide a sound legal framework for DLT markets to develop within the EU by clearly defining the regulatory treatment of crypto-assets that are not covered by existing financial services legislation.

No. Because Atria is legally registered in Switzerland (CH), which doesn’t follow EU regulations but its own.

Smart contracts are simply programs stored on a blockchain that run when predetermined conditions are met. They typically are used to automate the execution of an agreement so that all participants can be immediately certain of the outcome, without any intermediary’s involvement or time loss. They can also automate a workflow, triggering the next action when conditions are met.

Atria’s smart contract is based on Blockstairs technology, ensuring a reliable and fast operation to secure and store the asset (real-estate) ownership by every Atrian.

Yes. We operate under a securities license within the Swiss Financial System, being regulated and audited by FINMA and independent compliance companies.

Coming Soon

Hello! We’re crafting something extraordinary for you. Stay tuned!